Hello, I’m Blake and, as a level designer I love breathing life in the worlds I carefully craft and imagining different possibilities of player interaction and exploration. Many of my favorite games contain a strong element of exploration, or they manage to create a sense of freedom, by allowing the player to move in creative ways, or tackle a situation in different way , which inspire me as a level designer to always think of ways to include story, functionality and a sense of exploration in the player when they are playing my levels.
Games have always been a great source of joy to me and by far my favorite type of entertainment. Games have helped me establish life-long friendships, and deal with complicated emotions. As I’ve started studying games more in depth, I’ve become smitten by how intricate they are and how much thought and effort it requires to create a seamless experience.
Once again, thank you for taking the time and interest to explore my page and take a look at some of my recent projects in my journey as a level designer. I’m constantly learning more about my craft, and I hope to share this constant progress here.
My Story

I was born in Recife, Brazil and moved to Orlando, Florida at 16 to pursue my creative vision. At the time my creative vision was focused on pursuing a career in creative writing, which is one of my passions and one I had studied extensively during the first 21 years of my life. But on my last semester of my undergraduate program in creative writing, I was lucky enough to enroll in a class called “Writing for Video Games” and on that class I get to experience what being a designer was like: discuss game mechanics and levels with a group of 5 and present that experience to my class and to my professor. The professor in question explained to us the different roles existing in the gaming industry, and mentioned the excellent graduate program they have at FIEA, which was nationally recognized for its excellence. After I had a taste of being a designer, I couldn't think of anything else and so, despite it being a big shift and a very selective program, I studied, applied. . . and got in!
Since then, I’ve diligently studied game design and level design theory, and done several projects for my program, and met wonderful and passionate people in both my instructors and my peers who have helped me along my journey. In my free time, I love to play dungeons and dragons, or board games with my friends, baking sweets, painting miniatures, dabbling in playing the keyboard, hiking, writing poetry and fiction, reading copious amounts of fantasy novels, and studying world mythology and symbolism.
In my free time, I like to play dungeons and dragons, or board games with my friends, baking sweets, painting miniatures, dabbling in playing the keyboard or lyre, hiking, writing poetry and fiction, reading copious amounts of fantasy novels, and studying world mythology.
Contact Information
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